the Kitchen - Dirty Rice

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Yet Another Dirty Rice

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back to the kitchen

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Stuff Needed:

  • 3-4 pieces of celery, with the leafy bits included
  • Half an onion
  • 5-6 garlic cloves, more or less to your liking
  • a bell pepper or two, any color
  • a pound or so of protein. Ground beef or chopped chicken works great
  • A couple andouille sausage links chunked up (totally optional)
  • 3 cups chicken stock (I cheat and use bouillon)
  • 1 and 1/2 cups rice.
  • salt, black pepper, and cayenne to your liking
  • pat of butter

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Ok, first make sure you have a decent vessel to cook this in.  I use a 4qt cocotte, which is basically a small dutch oven with a glass lid.   This recipe feeds four, with plenty of leftovers.  Fiddle with the ingredient amounts if you don't want to make much.  The ratios don't matter that much, other than the 2:1 liquid to rice ratio.

Chop all the veg up to smallish bits, about the size of the end of your pinky.  Do not add the end of your pinky, chop carefully!   

 If you don't want to dirty two pans, heat the butter in your pan, then cook your veg in that for a couple minutes, at a medium heat. This is called "sweating" the vegetables.  Google later to learn why.  Once the veg is sweaty, dump it onto a plate or bowl or something, and set aside.   I usually sweat my stuff in a wok while browning the meat, but that means I gotta wash the wok afterward.  Your call.

Brown your meat, or whatever, in the pot.  If using the optional andouille, make sure it's in there for this step.   If using chopped chicken, you're lookin for a good brown sear on all the pieces.

Dump your veg in the pot with the protein, stir it up so folks watching think you know what you're doin.   Add the broth slowly, then add the rice.  Put in some salt and black pepper, and cayenne if you want it a little zingy.    Add more cayenne if you like it hot.   Stir that up, and bring to a low boil.   

Put the lid on it, drop down to a simmer, and leave it the hell alone for 25 or so minutes.   Give it a stir, and serve.    


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I didn't take any pictures last time I made this.  Sorry.

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back to the kitchen

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If I remembered to update this part, this page last edited 07Sep2023
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